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Featured Products

Soft Touch Material
Special Tomato cushions are formulated from a proprietary blend resulting in a soft, durable, latex-free material. This waterproof yet breathable material provides support and comfort. The Soft-Touch inner core is formulated to allow children to sit comfortably for longer periods.
Designed by Therapists, Influenced by Life
Combining the experience of our therapists, engineers and seating specialists with Tim Bergeron, the original founder of Tumble Forms, the Special Tomato design team innovates new products that truly are clinically sound, versatile and affordably priced.

What Our Therapists Think
Special Tomato has proven, reliable, easy to use products. They incorporate soft design and comfort that children want, while incorporating the correct positioning therapists demand.
What Our Customers Say
My child loves her Special Tomato Soft-Touch Sitter! It is lightweight, portable and easy to use. Not to mention very affordably priced.
Special Tomato: What’s New!
Unique innovation is what keeps Special Tomato on the leading edge of pediatric seating & positioning. Our designers and engineers work hand in hand with leading therapists to design versatile, durable products that accommodate a wide range positioning needs.